ELYSIA De-fi Platform
Unlock and Earn
Unlock and Earn
Unlock and Earn
Real-World Value
Real-World Value
Real-World Value
Diversify your crypto portfolio with real-world assets on ELYFI
Diversify your crypto portfolio with real-world assets on ELYFI
Diversify your crypto portfolio with real-world assets on ELYFI
Total Loans
Total Loans
Senior Pool APY
Senior Pool APY
RWA Tokens Issued
RWA Tokens Issued
Audited by
Backed by
Legal support
Audited by
Backed by
Legal support
Meet Real-World Assets
Meet Real-World Assets
Meet Real-World Assets

Real value, real returns
ELYFI combines real-world assets with DeFi, offering stability and tangible returns.

Real value, real returns
ELYFI combines real-world assets with DeFi, offering stability and tangible returns.

Real value, real returns
ELYFI combines real-world assets with DeFi, offering stability and tangible returns.

Diversify Your Portfolio
Reduce volatility and diversify by investing in stable tokenized asset pools.

Diversify Your Portfolio
Reduce volatility and diversify by investing in stable tokenized asset pools.

Diversify Your Portfolio
Reduce volatility and diversify by investing in stable tokenized asset pools.

Transparent Transactions
Blockchain-based traceability ensures clear and full visibility into all fund flows.

Transparent Transactions
Blockchain-based traceability ensures clear and full visibility into all fund flows.

Transparent Transactions
Blockchain-based traceability ensures clear and full visibility into all fund flows.

Flexible Investment Options
Choose stable (senior pool) or higher-risk (equity pool) returns based on your goals.

Flexible Investment Options
Choose stable (senior pool) or higher-risk (equity pool) returns based on your goals.

Flexible Investment Options
Choose stable (senior pool) or higher-risk (equity pool) returns based on your goals.
Our Mission
ELYFI uses blockchain to connect crypto portfolios with real-world assets, creating new investment opportunities and breaking financial limits.
ELYFI uses blockchain to connect crypto portfolios with real-world assets, creating new investment opportunities and breaking financial limits.
ELYFI uses blockchain to connect crypto portfolios with real-world assets, creating new investment opportunities and breaking financial limits.
Shape the Future of ELYFI
Shape the Future of ELYFI
Shape the Future of ELYFI
Join a dynamic DeFi ecosystem where your input as a holder drives innovation and growth.
Join a dynamic DeFi ecosystem where your input as a holder drives innovation and growth.
Join a dynamic DeFi ecosystem where your input as a holder drives innovation and growth.
1. Get Tokens
ELFI tokens are listed on DEXs, enabling anyone to support the protocol and ecosystem.
2. Staking and voting
Get voting rights(sELFI) through staking!
3. Making decisions
Participate in the decision-making process, and make ELYFI together! 🥳

1. Get Tokens
ELFI tokens are listed on DEXs, enabling anyone to support the protocol and ecosystem.
2. Staking and voting
Get voting rights(sELFI) through staking!
3. Making decisions
Participate in the decision-making process, and make ELYFI together! 🥳

1. Get Tokens
ELFI tokens are listed on DEXs, enabling anyone to support the protocol and ecosystem.
2. Staking and voting
Get voting rights(sELFI) through staking!
3. Making decisions
Participate in the decision-making process, and make ELYFI together! 🥳

$ 0.0085448
Real-time price
$ 0.0085448
Real-time price
Total Supply
Total Supply
Circulating Supply
Circulating Supply
19.2M ELFI
Total staked
19.2M ELFI
Total staked
A Community That Connects
A Community That Connects
A Community That Connects

Share ideas

Discuss new concepts, strategies, or feedback to improve the community and protocols.

Share ideas

Discuss new concepts, strategies, or feedback to improve the community and protocols.

Share ideas

Discuss new concepts, strategies, or feedback to improve the community and protocols.

Ask Questions
Seek guidance on using the platform, understanding DeFi concepts, or exploring opportunities.

Ask Questions
Seek guidance on using the platform, understanding DeFi concepts, or exploring opportunities.

Ask Questions
Seek guidance on using the platform, understanding DeFi concepts, or exploring opportunities.

Help Each Other

Collaborate with members by solving issues, sharing tips, and building a supportive environment.

Help Each Other

Collaborate with members by solving issues, sharing tips, and building a supportive environment.

Help Each Other

Collaborate with members by solving issues, sharing tips, and building a supportive environment.